Svenska Konstkritikersamfundets Salong c/o Tisdagsklubben på Konstnärsklubben, med utgångspunkt i Barbro Östlihns konstnärskap

Välkommen till Svenska Konstkritikersamfundets Salong c/o Tisdagsklubben på Konstnärsklubben med utgångspunkt i Barbro Östlihns konstnärskap.

Bar med enklare rätter öppen från kl. 18.30 den 6 april 2010.
Adress: Konstnärsklubben, Konstnärshuset 2 tr., Smålandsgatan 7, Stockholm.
Tryck på ringklockan: Konstnärsklubben.
Program: Annika Öhrner visar bilder och samtalar kring sin nya doktorsavhandling Barbro Östlihn och New York. Konstens rum och möjligheter. Annika Öhrner är curator och forskare vid Uppsala universitet. I avhandlingen undersöker hon Barbro Östlihns (1930–1995) måleri och hur konstnärer på 1960-talet skapade sin plats i konstlivet, staden och ateljén.
Kvällen arrangeras av Svenska Konstkritikersamfundet i samarbete med Tisdagsklubben – mötesplatsen för alla konstnärer i Konstnärshuset första tisdagen varje månad.

Post-criticism – What does the next generation say?

Time: 23 January 2010, 3 p.m.

Place: The Auditorium of the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts, Fredsgatan 12, Stockholm

Sebastian Johans, art critic, Upsala Nya Tidning
Frans Josef Petersson, art critic, Aftonbladet
Sinziana Ravini, art critic, Dagens Nyheter

From the Art Critics Association:
Sophie Allgårdh, editor-in-chief of Paletten and art critic for Svenska Dagbladet, and Christian Chambert, chairman of the Swedish Art Critics Association

In the mid-00s, the most animated debate on art criticism in years was taking place through numerous contributions in dailies, art magazines and, not least, on blogs. The critics were thought to have lost power; there was a crisis in the land of critics. It was claimed that art criticism was absent from the intellectual discourse of cultural pages. There were great hopes for the possibilities of digitalization, particularly on blogs. After post-criticism, a new generation was knocking on the door and wanted to enter the public space. What happened next?

Arne Ruth wrote in the last issue of 00TAL about the 1930s, when the cultural pages of Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfarts-Tidning was considered protected space. Today, cultural material has to fight for room with entertainment pieces and advertisements in slimlined, tabloidized newspapers. Critics look for what is different and peculiar in the flow of e-flux material that pours into the computer day and night. In all this, there should be room for reflective, literary essay-style criticism, with historical and international outlooks. What are the distinctive characteristics of critics, in the conglomerate of different newspaper materials appearing in today’s flow of debates and prevailing current opinions?

Free admission


The debate will be held in Swedish