In english

Information about AICA Sweden

Swedish Art Critics Association, the Swedish section of AICA, is a nonprofit organization that brings together professional art critics within all media, teaching, or curating. The members are primarily working with modern and contemporary art from all cultures. The association’s mission is to promote understanding and critical interpretation of the visual arts in all its stories and expressions. 257 members are part of the Swedish section.

Swedish AICA is on Facebook.

Contact us at

AICA, Association Internationale des Critiques d’Art, consists of approximately 5 000 members from 95 countries, organised in 63 national or regional sections and in the Open section (2024). The General secretariat is located in Paris. AICA was founded in 1948/49 and is a NGO (Non-Government Organisation) of UNESCO since 1951.

A general assembly is held every year in one of the member countries where a symposium about an actual theme of contemporary art takes place as well. The national sections are organising theoretical and practical activities about contemporary art.

World president of AICA:
Małgorzata Kaźmierczak, Poland

International AICA is on Facebook

Address : AICA, 32 rue Yves Toudic, 75010 Paris, France
tel : +33(0)1 47 70 17 42
mob : +33(0)6 11 16 60 91
fax : +33(0)1 47 70 17 81
e-mail :