Nyfiken på… Maya Eizin & Martin Wickström, For you Mongolia, Ulan Bator, Mongolia

Onsdagen den 13 November

Fri entré Liljevalchs konsthall, Djurgårdsvägen 60, Stockholm
Tid: 18.00 – ca. 19.00. Hjärtligt välkomna!
e-mail: niclas ostlind@liljevalchs.stockholm.se, christian.chambert@uppsala.mail.telia.com

Programserien är ett samarbete mellan Svenska Konstkritikersamfundet, Liljevalchs
konsthall och ABF och genomförs med stöd av Liljevalchs vänner.

Nyfiken på… är en programserie på Liljevalchs konsthall där vi bjuder in intressanta
personer för att samtala om aktuella och spännande frågor inom konsten. Höstens
serie kommer att fokusera på konstnärer som medverkat i angelägna konsthändelser
utanför Stockholm. De visar och berättar om sina verk och evenemangen de deltagit

Fashion & art – A seminar about the clothed body as an artistic expression

Time: 8th of November 11.00 – 16.30

Norrköping Art Museum in collaboration with the Swedish Art Critics
Association arranges a seminar in connection with the exhibitions
Siri Derkert modernist and fashion designer and Pendant.

Place: Norrköping Art Museum, Kristinaplatsen

Signing up: Can be done at the latest on Wednesday the 6th of November to
kristina.meijhammar@norrkoping.se or call 011 – 15 26 04

Fee: 150 SEK including lunch & coffee.

Payment: Payment via postal giro 10 500-7. Mark the cheque ”Konstmuseet”.
Dont forget to fill in your name and address. You can also pay at the
registration on the day of the seminar. Please let us know how you want to
pay when signing up.

Train: Sthlm – Nrk 08.15 – 09.34 or Intercity 08.50 – 10.42,
Nrk -Sthlm17.22 – 18.40

Please note that the seminar will be held in Swedish


10 – 11 Registration

11.00 The director of the museum Birgitta Flensburg opens the seminar.
Opportunity to see the exhibitions ”Siri Derkert – modernist and designer”
and ”Pendant”

11.30 University lecturer Gunnel Larsson and professor Ulla Eson Bodin,
Department of Textiles at the University College in Borås shows her artistic
development project to interpret Siri Derkerts fashion drawings and
recreate the clothes

12.10 Lunch

13.00 The Harlequin: Christian Chambert, head of the Swedish section of

The curators Annika Öhrner and Marianne Hultman present the exhibitions
”Siri Derkert – modernist and fashion designer” and ”Pendant”

13.30 Maria Carlgren, art historian:
Modernism made marginal – Siri Derkert as a fashion designer and the fashion
drawing as an aesthetic object

14.15 Coffee break

14.45 The artist Jenny Källman & the stylist and curator Jelena Rundqvist
about working artistically with the fashion reportage as form

15.30 Kerstin Wickman, professor of design history at Konstfack and design
To form the new person in the 1920s and the 2000s – skin, cover, surface

16.15 Summary of the afternoon