Finns konstkritiken utanför Stockholm?

Den 6 april pressvisas konstmässan Sthlm Art Fair i Älvsjö söder om Stockholm. I direkt anknytning till pressvisningen arrangerar Svenska Konstkritikersamfundet seminariet Finns konstkritiken utanför Stockholm?
Seminariet är ett svar på det önskemål som många av föreningens medlemmar uttryckt om diskussion kring konstkritikens villkor också utanför storstäderna.

Onsdag 6 april, klockan 15.30, Stockholmsmässan, Älvsjö
Seminariet äger rum i sal K12, Kongressfoajén

Frida Arnqvist, kritiker, frilans
Niels Hebert, kritiker, frilans
Cristina Karlstam, kulturredaktör och konstkritiker, Uppsala Nya Tidning
Patric Moreau, konstkritiker, Sydsvenska Dagbladet
Anders Olofsson, redaktör, Konstperspektiv, Konsten – Nättidskrift om samtidskonst (
Moderator: Lena From, sekreterare i Svenska Konstkritikersamfundet, redaktör Tidskriften Arkitektur


Professor Gert Z Nordström will lecture about his current book ”Medier Semiotik Estetik” (”Media Semiotics Aesthetics”), Jönköping University Press (2003).

Place: Mandelgren, Konstfack (University College of Arts, Crafts and Design), Telefonplan, Stockholm. Free admission.

Gert Z Nordström sees semiotics as a necessary scientific means for analysing the pictures and texts which we are confronted with daily, in the media, and in real life. Aesthetic phenomena, externally captivating, but also deeply affecting and commercially exploited, are part of these encounters. The question is whether all these connotations can be captured and handled, not only in research, but also in journalistic and pedagogical work. Gert Z Nordström believes this is possible and that is the main reason why he compiled his book, containing terms, methods and critical texts. The seminar will put a stress on semiotics and aesthetics.

Gert Z Nordström has earlier been professor for Interdisciplinary Studies/Art Pedagogy, and vice principal at University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, a professor for Communication Science at HLK in Jönköping as well as professor for Information Design at Mälardalens Högskola.

The seminar is arranged in cooperation with the Department of Art Education at University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, LM Ericssons väg 14, Box 3601, 126 27 Stockholm, telephone: +46 – 8 – 450 41 00.

The book will be for sale after the seminar.

The seminar will be held in Swedish.

For more information, please contact: or: telephone: +46 – 18 – 51 26 20.