AICA International (International Association of Art Critics) expresses deep sadness at the news of current military actions against Ukraine, ordered by the leadership of the Russian Federation and condemns all acts of military violence.
AICA International expresses solidarity with all the people affected by this conflict and strongly appreciates all actions undertaken so far by our members engaged in humanitarian help.
AICA International summons the parties involved with the war to respect civilians and to preserve cultural heritage, as a global patrimony and an irreplaceable treasure for the local culture and identity.
AICA International stands with our affected members, colleagues, and their loved ones in Ukraine and appeals to art critics and artists as well as all cultural workers and institutions all over the world to contribute to the UNHCR, to help civilian casualties and the refugees in the region.
It is time to show our solidarity and humanitarian assistance to support public and private actors in the cultural sector of Ukraine. It is a joint responsibility to cease all forms of support and cooperation with the Moscow regime and Russian state institutions, and not to accept the presence of Russian representation at international art events.
Meanwhile we will share the collective letter from our colleagues from AICA Russia who also condemn the invasion in Ukraine and express openly their position against it.
AICA International is strongly for peace and for global art institutions to engage all possible humanitarian assistance for war victims and encourages a common worldwide effort towards harmonious international collaboration.
Läs fler uttalanden från nationella sektioner av AICA samt från den ryska konstvärlden här.